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ATBC 2022

Cartagena, Colombia

Throughout a visit to the Oceanario Islas del Rosario Aquarium, this field-based course aims to engage participants to reflect about the challenges that islands territories are facing with climate change and biodiversity loss.

Islands, especially in the tropics, are fragile and unique ecosystems often sitting on the frontlines of climate change and biodiversity loss. Finding the balance between incomes generation and sustainable use of resources while maintaining the cultural assets without diminishing ecosystem structure and functionality is a primary goal towards finding sustainability. The vulnerability and need to increase resilience under climate change challenges call for joining efforts to seek solutions for the sustainability and to contribute to the construction of island specific knowledge sets. This knowledge, based on both conventional scientific knowledge and traditional ecological and local knowledge, should aim to inform integrative policy to forth better resource management and governance. Under this frame, Javeriana University as part of the Island Sustainability Unit (based in Sophia University, Tokyo-Japan) is proposing a field-based course. The main goal to this course is to develop capacity building in the participants in understanding the socio-ecological relations that occur in small tropical islands. The field experience of the participants will be hold in islands complex at the coastal Caribbean area – 1 hour by boat from Cartagena- called Corales del Rosario y de San Bernardo Natural National Park. Specifically, the proposed fieldwork attempts to visit the Oceanario Islas del Rosario Aquarium which is a conservation center with more than 140 marine species which represents the biodiversity around the archipelago. Throughout the visit, researchers from Javeriana University and the Oceanario will explain in detail current research being develop in the center such as coral restoration, turtle monitoring and environmental education within others. The visit is proposed to last 4 hours in the Morning of Sunday July 10th.


Field Course

Island Sustainability: Challenges under social and environmental uncertainty.

  • Sunday July 10th- Morning (4h, 7:00am-11:00am)

Erika Salazar

USD 70



Maximum number of participants



Oceanario Islas del Rosario Aquarium

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