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ATBC 2022

Cartagena, Colombia


Social Event

Making science in tropical biology and conservation more inclusive and accessible

Tuesday, July 12, lunch break, 12:30PM

Room 302

ATBC has a strong commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion. Through its Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) committee, the association works towards guaranteeing welcoming and safe spaces for all the members. However, this is a continuous and adaptive effort that relies on feedback from members. To create this space for exchanges and discussion among members, and importantly listening to different perspectives, the DEI committee will be hosting an Open Mic session. During this Open Mic session the DEI committee will provide a brief summary of the conclusions and inputs provided by members during last year's ATBC's Open Mic session, and Workplace Environment survey. We will then open the floor to hear perspectives and concerns from members in response to a series of guiding questions provided by the session organizing team. We will focus on providing a safe discussion space to improve inclusion and broaden participation across the association.


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